Best Email Verification Prices

We have created MillionVerifier to provide the best email verification service possible for email marketers with higher email verification needs. Hence, we aim to keep our prices as low as possible. You can see what our customers have said.

What Do You Pay For?

At MillionVerifier, you only pay for good and bad emails and not for risky (unknown and catch-all) emails. Some email verifiers don’t charge for unknown emails, but MillionVerifier is the only email verifier not charging you for catch-all emails either.

Million Ever Green Promotion

For every 5 million email verification credits purchased, we give you 1 million extra credits for free. In this promotion, we take into account any past payments as well.
E.g., If you have purchased 3 million email verification credits last year when you buy 2 million credits, we give you another 1 million credits for free.

Auto Top-Up Promotion

Make sure you never run out of credits and set up auto top-up. With MillionVerifier auto top-up, you can purchase email verification credits automatically when your credits are running low. It is up to you how many credits to buy and when.

If you have an auto top-up set up, you will get 10% extra credits on every payment you make, whether you make them manually or automaticly.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

We trust our results; hence, MillionVerifier is the only email verifier offering a truly 100% money-back guarantee on its results.

Keeping your hard bounce rate below 4% is critical in email marketing. If, for any reason, we go wrong and following the email verification, you experience a higher than 4% hard bounce rate, we refund your last payment.

Most email verifiers offer no guarantee on their results. Some may provide a refund of credits of the emails they miss-verified. But no other email verifier than MillionVerifier guarantees the results can be trusted.