MillionVerifier is partnered with EmailAcademy to provide our users with a practical email marketing toolkit. All MillionVerifier customers get a coupon applied on EmailAcademy to get a PRO account for free.
All You Ever Need Toolkit
EmailAcademy PRO users get access to the following tools: Email Backlist Checker, Email Blacklist Monitor, Email Verification Service, Inbox Tester, Bounce Code Analyzer, HTML Email Editor, HTML Email Templates, Image Hosting for HTML Emails, Website Monitor, RNDS Tester, SPF & DKIM Tester.
Let’s see the most incredible tools.
Email Blacklist Monitor
Reputation is vital in email marketing. EmailAcademy PRO users can set up 5 IPs or domains to monitor against 50+ email blacklists. They will receive an email and text notification if any of them gets blacklisted.
Image Hosting for HTML Emails
When sending your email campaigns, you must ensure the highest possible user experience as well. Make sure your images are delivered in the correct size from the nearest location possible.
Using EmailAcademy’s Image Hosting Service, you can convert your images to the correct size and format, and you can host them on its CDN.
HMTL Email Templates
With your free EmailAcademy PRO account, you will also access HTML email templates that you can use in your email campaigns. EmailAcademy is publishing new templates regularly.

Unique Knowledgebase
EmailAcademy PRO users can also access all lessons, including all master lessons on EmailAcademy.